When we scraped our knee as a kid we had two options: Clean it up and let it air out or put a bandage over it. Which recovery method was truly the most effective?
Giving a wound time to breathe without a dressing does not improve healing time. In fact, it may induce pain and even slow the healing process.
What happens when you leave a wound uncovered
Before bandages, people left their cuts and scrapes alone. The human body works in mysterious ways, forming scabs and blisters like a natural bandage, protecting the body from pain and infection. While yes, wounds in certain circumstances can be left untouched, severe wounds cannot heal without moisture. Leaving it uncovered isn’t in the interest of faster healing, according to Cleveland Clinic plastic surgeon Christi Cavaliere, MD.
“Severe wounds cannot heal without moisture.”
“Airing out most wounds isn’t beneficial because wounds need moisture to heal,” Cavaliere shared. “Leaving a wound uncovered may dry out new surface cells, which can increase pain or slow the healing process.”
If you have questions about keeping your wound exposed, talk to your doctor for further information.
Here’s how a covered wound heals faster
Covering a wound helps contain the natural moisture that is needed to keep the skin cells alive. Some doctors also encourage using a topical antibiotic ointment to keep the area moist, which can also reduce infection. The simple covering of a bandage or dressing protects your wound from exposure to dirt and germs and can prevent further injury.
Covering your wound offers protection and comfort, and proper dressings do not usually require assistance from a medical professional. iPAK by Innovative Outcomes is designed to help you take care of your wounds. Our easy-to-understand packaging and video tutorials allow you to redress your wound and take control of the healing process.
Learn more about iPAK today.